Executive Committee |
| Post date: 2018/02/7 | |
- Committee of the Secretariat ------- Dr Elahe Amini
2. Publication Committee ------- Dr Leila Karami and Dr. Azadeh Niknejad
3. Committee of Workshops and Exhibitions ------ Dr. Hanie Jalali
4. International Relations Committee ------- Dr. Mohammad Ali Zahed
5. Committee on cultural affairs and venues --- Dr. Delaram Islami Isfahani
6. Financial and Support Committee ------- Dr. Shoja Hashemi
7. Committee on Transport and Residency ---- Dr.Ramin Ezati
8. Committees and Meetings ----- Dr. Nastaran Heidari
- Poster and Logo Design: Dr. Vida Tafakori
- Site and Information Officer: Fatemeh Khodabandeh Shahraki